Our New Massage Studio, Daggers Deep Tissue & Sports Massage!

Shine On is proud to announce that she now has a big brother! So many of our clients have expressed to us how much they love that we offer deep tissue massage incorporated with Sports Massage. We listened. Daggers is your new one-stop-shop for sports recovery.

One very happy client!

One very happy client!

It is like walking into a warm and cozy, Colorado resort style lounge transformed into your own personal healing space. We now have Normatec Leg Compressors which are proven to help your blood circulation, reduce soreness, and almost cut your leg recovery time in half! Check out our new studio at daggersmassage.com and book your first session today! Mention that you read this blog and receive $10 off your first visit!

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Normatec Leg Compression!

Normatec Leg Compression!

Benefits of LED Light Therapy during your Facial

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Why LED Light Therapy?

A few of the benefits include.

-Treating acne by using Red and Blue UV Light to kill acne-causing bacteria without harming the skin.

-Regulating natural oil production.

-Stimulating collagen and elastin and minimizing redness and wrinkles.

-Certain wavelengths have even been shown to reduce dark spots and uneven skin tone.

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Shine On Facial Cupping

One of the many benefits of a Shine On Customized Facial is our Facial Cupping!

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Facial Cupping

Helps decrease puffiness, tone chin, jawline and neck. Brightens skin, regulates oil production, minimizes appearance of scars, fine lines and wrinkles and even approves nutrient delivery and product absorption so you get the most out of your facial!

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Shine On Customized Facial!

Facials and facial massage are beneficial for all skin types and concerns. Pollution, dirt and dead skin cells accumulate and leave the skin dull and lack luster. As we get older, our skin cell turn over slows down causing it to age. Just as the muscles in our body need exercise and massage, so do our facial muscles. At Shine On, we make sure to address individual needs and concerns incorporating facial massage to relieve tension and congestion. With our all natural products and modalities such as Gua-Sha and Cupping, you will leave feeling rejuvenated and shining from the inside out. PROTECT, NOURISH, and REPLENISH your skin today with a customized facial and massage so you can Shine On!

We Are Open!

Shine On is beyond excited to announce that we are OPEN! After almost three months of being forced to shut down, we started to really miss our clients and the rewarding feeling of easing their pain. We are at half capacity so schedule space is much more limited than before.

We are continuing to spend 20 minutes sanitizing and wiping down every surface after each service. We ask anyone experiencing any flu-like symptoms to please not book at this time (Even if it is just allergies).

We are now taking credit card information upon booking. This new feature does not charge you and you will not have to pay until after your service is complete. The reason for this is to limit the spread of germs and to protect our staff if a client is to cancel outside the 24 hour window or no-call-no-show. If you decide to cancel and do not do so within 24 hours of booking your appointment, you will be charged for 50% of whichever service you chose. Wow! That sounded harsh! At Shine On, we understand that cancellation policies can sound a little harsh but we plan our day around these appointments and in these difficult times, our schedule space is extremely valuable to us.

We hope everyone is being safe and we can not wait to see all of our wonderful clients again! Shine On through this, you crazy diamonds!

Shine On Show Up!

What is a Shine On Show Up you ask?? A Shine On Show Up is where Shine On literally shows up to a school, fire station or hospital and gives complementary massages to the staff! Today was our very first Show Up and we could not be happier. Seeing the look on the teachers faces when they got off the massage chairs made it all worth it. If you know a teacher or a nurse or a fire fighter then please go give them a big hug and thank them for everything they do.

The way we see it is, these are all of the people who we count on to mold our youth and protect us and keep us alive and safe so why not help them by relieving their stress and tension?! If you fit any of our 3 categories then keep your eyes peeled because Shine On just might Show Up to your business next!


Hatha Alignment Yoga Every Sunday with Starr!

Every Sunday at 1:00pm we have Hatha Alignment Based Yoga with Starr! Spaces are becoming more and more limited so reserve your spot as soon as possible!


Come MELT with Teddi!


The MELT Method® is a breakthrough self-treatment system that restores the supportiveness of the body's connective tissue to eliminate chronic pain, improve performance, and decrease the accumulated stress caused by repetitive postures and movements of everyday living.   MELT ( Stands for Myofascial Energetic Length Technique)  simulates the techniques and results of manual, hands-on therapeutic approaches—we call it Hands-off Bodywork®. MELT techniques are designed to calm and rebalance the nervous system, so most students find MELT Method classes to be deeply relaxing.

New research has revealed the missing link to pain-free living: a balanced nervous system and healthy connective tissue. MELT directly addresses these two systems of your body in a way no other self-treatment can by teaching you how to rehydrate connective tissue and rebalance the nervous system.

MELT now has 1,300 instructors nationwide and a following that includes the Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who used the method on her feet before winning gold in Sochi, Russia. Ms. Hitzmann’s best selling book, “The MELT Method,” was published in 2013 by HarperOne.

Teddi Sharpton is an Advanced MELT instructor (Level 5). She is trained not only to use the balls and roller, but also to teach advanced techniques that are used to help stabilize the hips and shoulder girdle. 

MELT is appropriate for nearly all ages and conditions and has helped hundreds of thousands of people eliminate chronic pain, even when they’ve had it for years or even decades. 

MELT class is held on Saturday mornings  at 9 am at Shine On Massage, located in Suite 903 of the Murchison Building. To reserve your spot contact Teddi Sharpton at 910-512-6834

Valentines Special Is Live!

Our Valentines Special is now live! Space is limited so book your Couples Massage soon! Shine On!


The Shine On Wellness Studio is Back!

Due to our staff having to travel during the holidays, we put our Wellness Studio on hold. We are thrilled to let everyone know that we are back in action! Starting January 2nd, our Wellness schedule will be in full force. Start your new year off the right way and get on the fast track to a happier and healthier you!

Shine On will also be offering amazing Wellness Package Deals along with a complementary Wellness Prescription consultation with one of our trained experts. What is a Wellness Prescription you ask?? This is a one on one meeting with a Shine On team member to go over exactly what your goal is and how to achieve it! They will even track your progress!

Give us a call at 910-508-9383 or email us at cam@shineonmassage.com to learn more about how to get started! Shine On!
