
Mobile Massages!

Did you know that Shine On Massage Therapy also does mobile massage!? For just $30 added to any of our services, we will come to you and turn your home or office into your very own private day spa! Imagine getting a wonderful massage and not having to go anywhere but the couch after! You Deserve It! Shine On!

Couples Massages!

Start off the new year with a couples massage! A lot of our amazing reviews are from couples sharing their experience at Shine On! Come in and see for yourself what all the hype is about! Mention couples massage blog and receive $20 off your couples massage this month! Shine On!!

Benefits of CBD oil!

There are so many benefits of CBD oil and now for only $20 added to any of our services, you can get a massage with CBD oil!! Some of the best benefits of CBS oil massage are antipsychotic effect, nausea relief, treats seizures, lowers incidence of diabetes, promotes cardiovascular health, and it even FIGHTS CANCER!!!! Book your CBD massage today! Shine On!!

We Made Our First Commercial!!! Times Two!

Shine On Massage Therapy is extremely thrilled to announce that we shot our first commercial today! With some help from our friend, Kylie and a couple of our wonderful clients, Nicolette and Emily, we were able to make two fantastic commercials! Keep a look out on Instagram and Facebook!

Shine On!

The Shine On BOGO Deal!

Hey everyone! We are thrilled to announce that right now until New Years Eve we will be offering a buy one get one deal! For just $120 you will receive a 90 Minute Massage and a 60 Minute Massage! Keep the 90 and give the 60 as a gift! Heck! Keep EM' Both! We don't judge! This is Shine On's way of saying THANK YOU to all of our clients and friends! Shine On everyone!



Is Your Tension Causing Headaches?

At Shine On, we have many clients that come in and complain about headaches or crippling migraines. Some blame it on the stress from their jobs, others claim they just prone to them. Time after time, our clients leave a session with remarkable headache and tension relief. Massage techniques combined with aromatherapy seem to make headaches dissipate in thin air.

Here's how it works -

Top Reasons Why Massage May Help Migraines

Migraine Relief Center

  • Muscle Spasms or Tension:  Massage in the neck and shoulder regions can help to relax taught bands of tissue, loosening  the sub-occipitals (those muscles attached to the base of the skull),  which cause pain through tension that travels up through the back of the head and into the eye areas.
  • Hormone Regulation:  Hormonal chemical changes often trigger migraines. Cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone, can be controlled by massage therapy, which also increases endorphin production as well as stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system.
  • Decrease Trigger Point Pain: Neuromuscular therapy, also known as trigger point therapy, targets hyper-irritable, tender, tissue areas that can refer pain to other parts of the body.
  • Improved Circulation: Massage has been shown to increase blood flow, which in turn improves oxygen levels and can help reduce pain.
Pretty interesting, huh? So, if you are experiencing a headache, let us help you!

Shine On!

Coconut Oil - Pure Magic

Do y'all know what excatly coconunt oil can do for you? There are many uses for it in health and beauty. Here are just a few:

  • Coconut Oil for Hair– This nourishing oil has been used for centuries in hair and its unique fat composition makes it especially beneficial for certain hair types. Use it as a hair mask, hot oil treatment, or in homemade hair products.
  • To Moisturize and Nourish Skin– The same properties make coconut oil great for skin as well. Many people like to use it as a natural moisturizer. Its natural antioxidant properties make it great for stopping wrinkles and skin irritation.
  • Digestive Help– Coconut oil’s concentration of beneficial fats in coconut oil makes it helpful for digestion. Its antimicrobial properties can help fight irritation and infection in the gut from Candida.
  • Great Source of Healthy Fats– Over 50% of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid. In fact, coconut oil is the richest source of lauric acid after breastmilk.
  • Mental Boost– Studies show MCTs may contribute to focus and mental performance.
  • Hormone Support– Getting the wrong kinds of fats can create havoc on hormones. Coconut oil contains specific fats that support the body’s natural hormone production.
  • Immune Support– The MCTs (including lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid) have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that make it beneficial for immune support.
  • Great fat for cooking: Coconut oil is a stable oil that doesn’t break down easily at high temperatures like other oils do. It doesn’t go rancid easily and has amazing nutritional properties. It is great for cooking eggs, stir fries, grain free baked goods, and practically any other cooking use.

Coconut oil is a superfood with a powerhouse of uses in cooking, beauty recipes, natural remedies and around the home.

Winter Time Deals!

Right now until December 5th, we are offering a Buy 4 Get the 5th Massage Free! That is 5 massages for only $300! You are saving $75! We even gift package them with a beautiful wax seal and write any note you choose on them! Give us a call today to order your gift cards and give the gift that keeps on healing!

Shine On!

Shred off that extra turkey weight with massage!

Did you know that massage is great for helping with weight loss?? Break down some of those fat cells with a massage this turkey season! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Special offer!!!

Right now until the end of January we will be doing a Buy 4 Get One Free Shine On Gift Card deal!!! You are not going to want to miss out on this one! Give the gift that keeps on healing! Massage! Shine On!